Drawing Symposium 2020
About Drawing Symposium 2020
In place of the annual Museum Education Symposium, STAR hosted our inaugural Drawing Symposium in January 2020. The full-day symposium seeks to deepen the theoretical underpinnings for drawing as core module with the intent to highlight the significance of drawing as fundamental and integral to art learning.
- Deepen teachers’ appreciation and understanding of concept of drawing
- Investigate a spectrum of drawing strategies; drawing resources to support the teaching and learning of art; and
- Strengthen teachers’ knowledge of inquiry-based approaches to teaching and learning through studio practices and discussion on drawing.
Keynote Address
Video of Keynote Address is available on Vimeo via the following link:
Masterclass Sessions
Videos of Masterclass Sessions are available on Vimeo via the following links:
- Masterclass 1: Weaving Connections: Figurative and Improvised Mural Making with Tape - https://vimeo.com/400096413
- Masterclass 2: Drawing Potential from a Mobile Digital Studio: Introduction to iPad Sketching - https://vimeo.com/400096603
- Masterclass 3: Contemporary Chinese Ink Drawing: Drawing Alternative Perspectives - https://vimeo.com/400096721
- Masterclass 4: Dry Medium Drawing: A Practice-based Research A/r/tography – inquire in the world through on-going process of art-making/drawing - https://vimeo.com/400096819
- Masterclass 5: Drawing from Life: Storytelling through Illustration - https://vimeo.com/40009692
Concurrent Sessions
Videos of Concurrent Sessions are available on Vimeo via the following links:
Concurrent Session 1: Community Engagement Projects
- Part 1 - Art in Transit : https://vimeo.com/400098010
- Part 2 - Enlivening Spaces – Colourful Backdrops to Mundane Living: https://vimeo.com/400097839
- Part 3 - Drawn Together: Fostering Socially Engaged Drawing Projects in the Community: https://vimeo.com/400097449
Concurrent Session 2: Sharing cum Hands-on using the Drawing Inspirations Resource for Primary Art Teachers
- Part 1 - Surrealist Buildings - Using Chance Element & Exquisite Corpse approach to create Surrealist-Inspired Building Designs : https://vimeo.com/400097356
- Part 2 - Abstract Portrait – Continuous Line Drawing & Drawing Differently: https://vimeo.com/400097251
Concurrent Session 3: Sharing cum Hands-on using the Drawing Inspirations Resource for Secondary/JC Art Teachers
- Part 1 - Collaborative Drawing - Taking a Line for a Walk: https://vimeo.com/400097104
- Part 2 - Translating Tactile Experiences through Collaborative Mark-Making: https://vimeo.com/400096988
- Part 3 - Drawing as Vision on Paper: https://vimeo.com/400098692
Concurrent Session 4: Drawing Possibilities through Visual and Digital Journaling
- Part 1 - Urban Sketching: https://vimeo.com/400098507
- Part 2 - Drawing Bingo Challenge: https://vimeo.com/400098392
- Part 3 - A journey through Visual Journalling: https://vimeo.com/400098202
Concurrent Session 5: Balik Barracks Drawing Trail (in Conjunction with Singapore Biennale @ Gillman Barracks)
Lunchtime Food Sketch and Gallery Walk
Videos of Lunchtime Food Sketches and Gallery Walk are available on Vimeo via the following links:
- Lunchtime Food Sketches & Gallery Walk (Highlights video): https://vimeo.com/404505611
- Food Sketch Demo - Ch’ng Kiah Kiean: https://vimeo.com/404505686
- Food Sketch Demo - Rob Sketcherman: https://vimeo.com/404505728
- People Sketch Demo - Chen Yan Yun: https://vimeo.com/404505795
- Quick Watercolour Demo - Lee Kow Fong: https://vimeo.com/404505847
Post-symposium Workshops
Video of Post-symposium Workshops are available on Vimeo via the following links:
Drawing Together, Drawing Apart (Primary)
- Collaboration_Drawing Together 1-1: https://vimeo.com/404514439
- Collaboration_Drawing Together 1-2: https://vimeo.com/404514478
Drawing to Learn (Secondary)
- Point of View_Incorporating Spatial Reasoning 2-1: https://vimeo.com/404514524
- Point of View_Incorporating Spatial Reasoning 2-2: https://vimeo.com/404514563
- Storytelling through Visualisation 3-1: https://vimeo.com/404514605
- Storytelling through Visualisation 3-2: https://vimeo.com/404514651