Clifford Chua

Mr Clifford Chua is the current Academy Principal of the Singapore Teachers' Academy for the aRts (STAR). Prior to this posting, he headed Palm View Primary School as its pioneer Principal having served 6 years as Principal of Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School. A recipient of the Colombo Plan Scholarship, Clifford graduated with a Fine Arts Degree with honours in Printmaking and Art History from the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand and was posted to Victoria School to helm the Art Elective Programme. He spent six years in the school and later pursued his master degree in Curriculum and Teacher Education at Stanford University. After graduation, he spent about 5 years as Curriculum Planning officer in the Curriculum Planning and Development Division, MOE and was part of the team of educators who helped raise the profile of Arts Education in our schools. He served as Vice Principal at Radin Mas Primary School for about a year before his posting to Kuo Chuan Presbyterian. Clifford was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) in 2011 for his service to education.